Ryan Friant's Dream Syndicate

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A Dragon is Born: Making A Poseable Mixed Media Dragon Art Doll 🐉

It feels so good to finally post a finished fantasy art doll project. In this last installment (for making the dragon anyway) in this St. George & the Dragon piece, I show the final steps for making a poseable mixed media dragon art doll. Once the polymer clay head was sculpted, painted with acrylic paints, the larger part of making this fantasy art doll involved sewing, lots and lots of sewing. I can find sewing unto itself a challenge with making visually pleasing seams and heck, I often find threading a needle and efficiently tying-off a seam to be a difficult at times, but you get to do crafting on hard-mode when you try to do these things with protruding spikes or wire for your thread to snag on!


Watch Part 3 in the St. George & the Dragon Piece | Making A Poseable Mixed Media Dragon Art Doll 🐉:


In next week's video, I'll be working on crafting a young St. George art doll where I'll be sculpting the figurine's polymer clay head. If you have any suggestions for future fantasy artdolls for me to work on, I'll happily take you suggestions in the comments below or on YouTube.

If you want to make the imaginary a reality, be sure to subscriber on YouTube!

If you want to be the first to know when I launch new polymer clay art videos, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and hit the bell icon (but because YouTube's wonky, you can also join the newsletter). At present, I am launching new videos Saturdays at 2pm EST and I will keep this information up-to-date on my YouTube channel's banner and "about" section here:  https://www.youtube.com/thedreamsyndicatearts.