Ryan Friant's Dream Syndicate

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Making Fabric Art Doll Hair?

In my latest video, I show you a method for making art doll hair with fabric. You can use most lightweight fabrics, but if you want to convey a realist hair look with your art doll, it's best to use a fabric with a sheen, a silk blend or sateen would do nicely. And bonus points if you keep on the look-out for cheap remnants or sales on natural or unnatural, if you're feeling adventurous, hair colors.


Watch Part 6 in the St. George & the Dragon Piece | FABRIC ART DOLL HAIR ⚔🐉:


Once you have the fabric you're going to work with, it's just a matter of playing around with arranging folds and creases on the head to give a look that emulates hair, putting a strong adhesive on the head (I tend to use a two part epoxy resin and some Fabri-Tac where needed), and then just sewing up the various seams that were created.


If you want to make the imaginary a reality, be sure to subscriber on YouTube!

If you want to be the first to know when I launch new polymer clay art videos, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and hit the bell icon (but because YouTube's wonky, you can also join the newsletter). At present, I am launching new videos Saturdays at 2pm EST and I will keep this information up-to-date on my YouTube channel's banner and "about" section here:  https://www.youtube.com/thedreamsyndicatearts.